Monday, January 26, 2009

Yay! YaY! it's GiVeAwAy day!!

Bloggy Giveaways Quarterly Carnival Button

and here is what i have for you! this is Ginger, and her little kitty Gus. they were lovingly handmade especially for this giveaway out of natural fibers- cotton, wool felt, and soft and fluffy bamboo stuffing.

to win this sweet little pair simply leave me a comment. i would love to hear who you would give Ginger and Gus to if you win! PLEASE make sure i am able to contact you if you win!

i will close the comments on wednesday january 28th, sometime before i put the kids in bed.

i can only ship within the US this time- sorry international visitors!

and, because i would LoVe to have you stop back by after you've entered all the other giveaways, i will give you an extra entry if you'd like to subscribe to my feed or follow my blog. please leave me one additional comment letting me know!

i hope you win!

* comments are closed- i will post a winner in the morning!


B. said...

Of course since I check your blog often I get the be the first to reply! Who would I give these lovelies to? Ginger will be headed to my niece Gracie, and Gus would be going to visit my niece Sophie! Just to keep things even between the 2 halfs of the family. Of course I'll add it to my blog!

Anonymous said...

My 2-year-old, doll-loving daughter would get these precious guys if I won. Thanks for the chance!
musesofmegret (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

SO cute! One of my close girlfriends daughter is turning 1 here soon-she LOVES dolls. Even at this early age I see her with dollies! And who doesn't want a kitty-especially when you're parents won't let you have one! hehe
Oh-and I'd love an extra entry please! I'm a follower of yours! ;)

kraftykash said...

That cat would look great on my desk! The doll is too cute, I would give her to my daughter. Thanks for doing the give away. :)

Angie said...

my girls would love this!!

Maggie said...

I already subscribe via Google Reader.

Anonymous said...

the doll + cat are adorable..I just check your other posts and now it seems we have the same birthday, guess it's not so strange...happy belated birthday and I am doing a giveaway at my blog as well, maybe you can come on over...

Anonymous said...

forgot to say...don't enter me in the contest, I would prefer someone with a little girl to have it, thanks

Maggie said...

Many, many of my friends are pregnant so depending on the outcome of the births (gender) I'll give them to a new girl.

Thank you for hosting this great giveaway.

Stacy said...

Erika your Ginger and kitty are so cute! They would have to go to Scarlett. I don't know if I ever posted about the doll she got for Christmas, but her doll ended up getting named... GINGER! Pretty funny coincidence. You can see a picture of her in my Ravelry projects with the stuff I knit for her. We would have two Gingers. ;)

Julie Donahue said...

Those are adorable! I would probably save them for a baby shower gift.

Anonymous said...

soo adorable! i am an 'erika' with 4 kiddos, too, and love your blog - Ginger and Gus would make my girls smile, and i'm sure the idea of giving them away would bring tears... as girls who love kitties, thanks for the generous chance for these two!

Jodi said...

We love the doll and kitty. We would send them with so much love to our dear friends little girl. They are about to move four states away from friends and family for a better job. We know Bethany will need some company for the road trip so who better to take with her then Ginger and Gus.
The Tanksley Crew

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

They are adorable!!

=) melanie
melanieadey at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Oops-I'm supposed to leave an 'additional' comment about being a following reader of your blog! Here it is hehe jmae

Lisa said...

I would save them for my 1st grandbaby!

Andria said...

This would go to my daughter. Ginger is a beauty! Thanks.

Katie said...

These are fantastic! You are very talented. My daughter Zoey would take excellent care of them as she loves all things pretty and soft, especially "babies."
katiekarr at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

I'd give the doll to my 2 year old and I'd keep the cat cuz i love cats.

Unknown said...

i'm following

Michelle, Queen Behind the Lens! said...

Aw, what sweet little friends those would be for my baby girl. :) I would probably save them for her first birthday & display them in the meantime. Thanks for the giveaway! I have you in my blogger list already.

plhill2000 said...

I would give both of these to my granddaughter, Elizabeth. They are so cute.

Mrs. Sprinkles said...

These are adorable! I would give them to my daughter.

Come enter my Target GC giveaway!

Ashley said...

I would give these too my darling only girl. I waited for her for so long and I love all the girly stuff that comes with her.

Jenny said...

Adorable! My 4 1/2 year old daughter would love this set. She loves dolls and cats.

Great giveaway!

ecky said...

i'd definitely give this to my daughter!!

elkesten at yahoo dot com

Angel said...

I'd love to give these to my little girl!

janetfaye said...

They are so cute!

I would give them to my granddaughter.

Thank you!

janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com

Laura said...

What a lovely doll and kitty! I would give them to my best friend's daughter. She would love these. Thank you for the opportunity.

mcgregor_laura (at) hotmail (dot) com

Janna said...

They are adorable! My little girl would LOVE them!

ryanx6 at msn dot com

Superdumb Supervillain said...

I would contemplate giving them to Roo but they would probably end up sleeping with me....

Shawnee said...

WAY cute. My sweet little daughter would love this pair.
shawnee at yahoo(dot)com

Unknown said...

Great job! I am having a baby in March and I have wanted to make him a doll but the learning curve has been to great for me since I'm not much of a seamstress. I'd love to win this for him.

apeak AT hotmail . com

Michelle Olsen Sasak said...

My five year old daughter would love these so much! They are so cute.

Mindy said...

I would give them to my daughter, Sophie. She absolutely loves dolls and stuffed animals right now!


Cupcake Mama said...

I love the color choices!! As a follower of your blog, I'd love to win!

Katie said...

These are adorable! They'd be intended for my 8 mo old dd, but I know my 2yo ds would nab them! :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!
katiellloyd at yahoo dot com

Pixie Starlet said...

Well I admit, I selfishly want to keep them for Addie, but I may be inclined to give them to a pregnant friend, who I know would just love them. ;) They're adorable! You're getting good with the facial embroidery -- I love the little eyelashes you added.

Losito said...

I would give this to my niece. Her birthday is coming up!

tatertot374 said...

I would love to win to give to my daughters. tHey would love this. Thank you

Anonymous said...

What an adorable pair! My girls would love to adopt them and love on them. :)

teambedell at cox dot net

Kim said...

Oh Erika, those two are SO adorable!! My kiddos would LOVE to adopt them :)

Kim said...

I am subscribed to your feed.

Btw, come check out the giveaway on my blog :)

Kim said...

I'm a follower ;)

Re said...

omg that cat is AWE-SOME!!!! :) I'm having so much fun making friends and blog-hopping again this year.

Thanks for such a generous giveaway! I hope I'm chosen as the lucky winner!!!

Unknown said...

Erika they are great, my three kiddos would share Ginger and Gus evenly but I assume Ethan and Gideon will be the happiest about it.

Anonymous said...

If I won, my 18 month old daughter Savannah would get these cute little dolls. She loves baby dolls and kitties. I already check your blog almost daily but would love to subscribe.
Jep882 (at) yahoo (dot) com

auntrene said...

I would give these cuties to one of my adorable nieces. They are 20 months and 16 months. They would love them.
Thanks for a great giveaway

ogarac said...

I love these. Espically the kitty. I would give them to my daughter. :)

Unknown said...

i have two girls who would definitely battle it out. i think the cat would have to go to my oldest who keeps asking for one even though we are all allergic. my younger daughter is so maternal--she calls everyone "hon." she would love to take care of ginger.

Unknown said...

i subscribed to your blog.

Sue Anne said...

Oh, I would love to win these. I have really good friends with a boy and a girl, and I would give the cat to the boy and the little doll to the girl.

Unknown said...

I would give them to my daughter. She would love this pair. They're so adorable :)

hafner611 {AT} gmail {DOT} com

Thrifty and Chic Mom said...

I would love these for my 2 daughters thank you!

jenny said...

wow how seet please enter me in for this and well i have just the littl girl to gife this to wow is the doll so ever sweet oh i also have you on my feed list too

Jessica said...

So precious! These remind me of dolls that I would play with at my grandma's. I'd save them for my daughter. Thanks!


Twyla said...

I would give them to my daughter's. What a great way for them to play together :)

Stacy said...

These are adorable. I'm sure all 3of my daughters would share them. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I would give these 2 cuties to my daughters Alora and Athena:)Iam already a follower of your blog because iam one of your biggest fans:)Huggers Darcy

Michelle said...

My youngest daughter Avery is going to be turning 2 in a few weeks and she absolutely loves both dolls and kitties! Thanks so much for the chance to win!

Carolyn G said...

My friend's daughter Sylvie would love this. She doesn't like Barbie but loves handmade funky dolls.

Anonymous said...

I'm tempted to say I want them for ME, because they're so sweet! However, I'd probably choose one of my 3 daughters. Any one of them would treasure these sweeties. Thanks so much for a wonderful giveaway!

Maude Lynn said...

How cute! My daughter would love these!

kelli at pfrog dot net

rubynreba said...

My granddaughter would get this - reminds me of her and her kitty Garfield!!!

Laurie~Let's Knit It said...

Oh they are so adorable. I would give Ginger to my daughter and Gus to my son. As you know IRL we have a cat named Ginger and a dog named Gus.
mommyslittlesweetie(at) gmail(dot) com

Laurie~Let's Knit It said...

Yes I am definitely a follower of your blog

taterbug said...

I would love to give this to my granddaughter. She loves her baby dolls and this one would be treasured. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway!

taterbug said...

I follow your blog.

Hannah Q. Parris said...

My best friend's daughter Nora is the only little girl in my life. Her favorite animals are cats, and I know she would love both of these until they fall apart..just beautiful.

Unknown said...

I would give it to my little girl Annie. She's just gotten into baby dolls and LOVES them.

Sarah said...

This is adorable! I would give it to my youngest daughter because having two older sisters she gets everything handed down her and not much of her own.

Carrie said...

Oh very cute! I would love to have those cuties in my house! Thanks for the offer!

bren j. said...

Oh my those are cute! Our little girl LOVES kitties and anything with a human face that's smiling. They would sure be a fun Valentine's day surprise!

Qtpies7 said...

They would either go to my youngest daughter, or to my niece.

Laura said...

That is so cute! Nicely done.
I would give it to our foster daughter. It would be so special to her while she tries to deal with her little life being turned inside out.

Amy said...

Mandy would freak out if she won Ginger and Gus! I would of course make her give one to Henry. Pick us, pick us!!!

I love your blog, Erika. It's so much fun to read!


adorable would give these to my kids to share

Anonymous said...

I would give them to my children for Valentine's Day.
Melissa Waters

Devon said...

I would give these awesome little gals to my friends little girl who's daddy is in Iraq for 9 months. Thanks for the give away

Elisa Morrison said...

I subscribed via Google...

Elisa Morrison said...

I'd love to win this for my nieces (I have three in SC)

Neen said...

I'd give them to my 4 year old daughter. She loves dolls and kittys

TheFancyFritter said...

How cute! I would give them to my daughter! She would love them! I hope I win! thanks!

TheFancyFritter said...

I'm a follower now! :)

Aura said...

How adorable! My daughter would love them!

Sincerely Yours said...

These dolls are precious. I would give Ginger to my 6 year old daughter and Gus to my 2 year old son. They would be thrilled!!! Thanks for the great giveaway!

Staci A said...

These are adorable! I would share them with my niece, although my son will definitely be vying for Gus! Thanks for the chance.

Shirley said...

I would give them to my Great-Niece, Claire for her birthday in June.

Marcia said...

I will give these to my daughter. She thinks all baby dolls are her "baby sisters" eventhough she's an only child haha. Thanks for the chance!

Erin said...

I would give this to my daughter. She's pretty fascinated with dolls right now :)

Chantelle said...

i would love to give this to my daughter! Thanks so much for the giveaway!

chantellesabino at mac dot com

Bailey's Leaf said...

I would give Ginger and Gus to my niece, Makensea. She'll be one in July!

Thank you!

WAHMgroup said...

I would give this to my 4.5 yo who would love it!

Lydia said...

This is adorable! You are very talented.

taysmommy said...

My lilttle girl would love to be the proud owner of these :)

taysmommy said...

I'm now a follower :0

Anonymous said...

Oh how precious! I think I would give them to my granddaughter, as soon as she arrives in April! I'm bookmarking your site to come back later...

onething (at) beautifulheritage (dot) com

Michelle said...

Wow! Those are awesome! I would probably give the doll to my daughter Ari and the cat to my daughter Melodie for them to play together. Ari is a baby lover, and Melodie is all about cats!

Stephanie said...

My one year old is just starting to love dollies like her big sister. She needs one of her own!

grayjones5 at yahoo dot com

1955nurse said...

Love this! I'd give the Kitty to my Grandson, and the Ginger Girl to my niece!

souldolphindream said...

my baby girl bella would so love to have them. They would be her friends

D Q said...

They are adorable. I would keep them at my house for when nieces and nephews visit.

trisha too said...

these are ADORABLE, I love the colors!

Anastasia said...

Oh how fun, Erika. you are so thoughtful to share your creativity with everyone.

I would most definitely play with my son with Ginger and Gus. I already told you I <3 Gus!

And of course I am already following your blog. Thank you for sharing!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said...

I would give these to my one year old! My two year old has tons of toys.. she's been around about 12 months longer :)

But my 1 year old would love these two little dolls to death!


Danielle said...

Oh these are so cute! Ginger and Gus would be finding a nice home with my little munchkin if I win!


Stacey said...

I would give it to my youngest daughter because she usually gets her sister's old dolls to play with. Rarely does she get something of her very own!

Claire Roach said...

What a cute doll and little pet! My 4-year old daughter would love these. I'm planning a vintage-looking room for her, and a homemade doll would look perfect in it! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I would give ginger and gus to my niece! Adorable!
wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

wonderfullymade729 at gmail dot com

demmi said...

I would use them for part of my Christmas shoebox donation con5459(at)gmail(dot)com

Crystal Sixberry said...

Hi, I would give it to my daughter, I think she would love them!

Anonymous said...

My daughter would love these!! So cute!!
Heather at

Lori A. said...

These are adorable!! I would share these with my niece. She would be a very good mama to them. :)

ljatwood at gmail dot com

Lori A. said...

I am a follower. :)

ljatwood at gmail dot com

Jingle said...

This is adorable! I would want to keep her for me! I really love things like this!!! jinglesells at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

These two are sooo sweet! I would give them to my daughter who is almost 2yrs old. These are the kind of love them forever dolls!!! I love them:D

crystal said...

I'd love to win these for my niece. She would love the colors!

ZandE said...

I love them, my daughter would too!

Amanda C. said...

How cute. If I win they will be split between my two daughters. They'll love them.


World's Greatest Mommy said...

They would go for my daughter's upcoming birthday. So cute. She loves kitties, too. But, I'm allergic. Beautiful giveaway!

AmeliaB said...

She is just lovely...I might just keep her. :)


Sarah Z said...

I would give this to my daughter! Very cute!
believedreamcourage (at)

Anonymous said...

Oh... they are both adorable, you're right. How precious. Should I be so lucky, I think I'd have a hard time letting that kitty go but he belongs with her so I'd give them both to my nephew. They would be loved.

Anonymous said...

and I subscribed via Google RSS

thanks and I'm wishin me luck on this one. :)

Unknown said...

My 4 year old daughter would just love this cute little doll! Hope we win and thanks for the giveaway!

valerie2350 said...

my nephew would love these

noreen said...

I would give the doll to my oldest and the cat to the youngest

Jinxy and Me said...

These are so cute! My niece would love it. Thanks for the giveaway!

ailad said...

These are so cute and my god daughter would love them! Thanks for the giveaway :)

Gardening Mommy said...

ADORABLE! I would save it for my youngest daughter! Thanks for the chance to win!