yesterday i participated in the very 1st supa summa craft market at the flying m coffee garage.
let me share with you all of the pretty things that i took along with me to the market ::
little pants and skirts that really need a better way to display. however i think i may have come up with a solution after talking to a fellow vendor...
luca was the cutest thing over at my booth. after getting his fill of people swooning over him he settled in for a long nap.
now i will bravely share the pretty bad that comes along with market preparations...
now i will bravely share the pretty bad that comes along with market preparations...
two weeks of laundry shoved into the baby cradle, most of it unfolded. we co sleep with luca so please do not be alarmed- no babies were sleep deprived in the making of this market appearance.
and here is what my dining room table looked like on friday. i finally cleared it off this afternoon. my kids were thrilled to eat all of their meals on the patio outside.
i didn't photograph the sink full of dishes or the take out dinner bags that we accumulated over the last two weeks. but everything is back to normal around here after a big day of catch up.
see that rainbow knitting project in the last photo. i currently have that in my lap, a cup of tea on the side table and a sleeping baby over my shoulder.
happy sunday, friends.