all the goodies have been sorted for our big handmade toy swap! i will deliver the toys to their new owners this evening at our monthly Mom's Night Out gathering. i will try to take some pictures while we are out but i am notorious for bringing my camera along and never taking it out of my bag...

here was my contribution to the swap~ they are little reusable grocery bags and pretend
checks and wooden coins. i hope all the recipients love them as much as esme' seems to!

and here they all are! toys, toys, beautiful handmade toys! there are stuffed toys, dolls, games, capes, blocks and balls, crayon totes, play food to fill our play kitchens, play silks, puppets and hand knit gnomes...

colorful tutus, bedtime buddies, and learning toys...
and two pretty red wood sleds made by a daddy!
it pained me to pack them all up into those ugly plastic bags. what i really need is a big red, velvet sack that i can throw over my shoulder...
hmmm, and now we are expected to wait until christmas to bring them all out to play?! torture. i will most likely pass the time knitting... sewing... making and baking... the more homemade the better!
yours in handmade cheer,
Wow, everything is SO cute!! And I love the little grocery bags you made...what a great idea! I know my girls would love them! :0)
I wish I had enough cool crafty mamas in the area to do something like this!!! Looks like so much fun.....for everyone!!
I'm sure they'll love the little grocery bags! I made one for my girls last year for their play food, along with a little picnic quilt and picnic basket! They still play with it.
Oh, it all looks great! I cant wait to see what I got! LOL... I better go call Tami. :)
How fun wish I could be there to participate you gals and your little ones will haves such fun:)Athena is now potty trained.Hugs Darcy
Ahhh gorgeousness!! I wish I could participate in something like this.
ack! this is so good. what i would do to poke around in there a little. this is a fabulous idea. thanks for sharing!
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