ThAnK YoU to all who participated! i am planning the summer swap and will post a sign up thread the first week of may! please stop back by and check it out~ you won't want to miss it!

1. swap package!, 2. spring swap bunny, 3. spring swap :: felt birds, 4. felted nests, 5. spring swap :: handmade nest, 6. noname(2), 7. seasonal celebrations SPRING swap, sent, 8. Peek at the spring swap contents, 9. Spring swap card, 10. noname, 11. noname(4), 12. noname(5), 13. Bubbles and chocolates, 14. felted nests, 15. spring swap items, 16. seasonal celebrations SPRING swap, received
I so wanted to do this, but just didn't have the time to do it well. I'll be back for the summer swap, though! Looks like some really fun packages went out...
Oh I am so so bad. Our computer has been having issues so I haven't gotten my pictures posted. I'll do it tonight! :)
Hi Erika
Sorry I didnt get pictures in. I hope that does not ban me from the next swap. That was alot of fun. Thanks again for the goodies. :)
oh, of course not kashoan!! i would love to have you join future swaps :)
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