if you know a little artist who would enjoy this coloring wallet, simply leave a comment on this post telling me so. i will choose a winner at random on the evening of december 6th. please make sure i have a way to contact you (e-mail or blog link) in case your name is chosen!
at this time i am only able to ship within the US.
for a list of more fabulous giveaways visit sew, mama, sew!
good luck, friends!
comments are now closed- big thanks to all who visited me for giveaway day!!
the winner is commenter #128, mrs. fix! huge congrats!!
Ohhh, Nana would love having something like this to pull out of my purse for the grandkids.. I'd be a hit!
Oh, you don't know how this would change the world for a kid I know! Great idea and giftaway!
Merry Christmas!
Oh I know two kids who would fight over it.:-) Very nice, wewould love to have it.
my son would love this!!
~amy mcw
Noah would love to have this to match his sisters!! :) Awesome work Erika, as always!!
What a clever design! My daughter would love such a treasure.
I think Liam would get a kick out of one of those. :) ~Amy
love it for my toddler!
That is so cute! Very useful to keep them busy :)
This is a great idea for keeping kiddos busy while waiting! And very cute :)
My 3-year-old son would love to find this in his stocking on Christmas morning!
How wnderful....
What a great gift.
Have a joyous and blessed Christmas....be present and enjoy every moment.
I know a sweet little girl who would love this!
Thank you for your kindness and generousity!
I know a little boy-- who could use some quiet time coloring and drawing
I can think of three little girls who would love this! Is there a pattern? I may head to the office supply store now. What a great idea! I cannot fit one more project in until after the holidays, though.
This coloring wallet is so FAB! I have two little girls who would love it (come to think of it they may just want to love it at the same time which would make things a bit sticky) and we'll work out the sharing logistics later on.
I'm pretty sure my email is available through my Blog profile.
Oh, my daughter would simply love this! Thanks for the giveaway!
My nephew would absolutely love this! So cute! Merry Christmas!
What a great idea - this would be a definite hit in my house!
that's soooooooo cute!!! My girls would LOVE LOVE this!!!!!
sarah8914 at gmail dot com
Cute idea. Jonas would love it.
That is such a cute idea, my Kami(4yr) would love it.
I know a couple of little artist who would love this set. Namely, my daughters. Love the owl fabric. Thanks for the chance to win.
I truly need this. My son is forever asking to color. :)
My two year old granddaughter would really like something like that. She has to travel 4 hours to visit, so she has plenty of time to color in the car.
ooohhh My 6yo loves owls! That would make a great gift for her!
I know several little artists who would really love this- great prize,thanks for sharing
My daughter loves owls! She would love to have this. Thanks for the chance!!
Here is my giveaway: http://shealynnbenner.blogspot.com
Great idea - wonderful to have while traveling with our little grandson
thanks for the chance
I have three little artists who would love to share this adorable owl busy book! Thanks for the chance!
I actually have two little inspiring artists, but they would be happy to share. I love this idea. We have art supplies scattered in oh so many places, and it's always a problem to pack art things for road trips. Thanks for the chance to win!
This would be great for my eldest (4.5) to take in the car on our 14 hour drive over Christmas. Very cute owl print!
My nephews would love that wallet! What a cute giveaway.
Very cute. Well done!
is it bad taht I would want this all to myself?! I LOVE, LOVE the fabric!!
I have two crayon roll ups for my girls but they are old and needing to be replaced. This would work wonderfully.
Now that is FUN! My daughter is forever and ever scribbling. My MIL bought her a stack of coloring books but she likes plain paper and crayons best. She'd love this!
We love the owls and what a cool idea for keeping little ones busy:) Hugs Darcy
That is awesome! My son would love it!!!!
My daughter would love this, so cute!
I have a little 4 year old who would love to use this in the car, at the restaurant, or whenever! These are great ideas and very cute!
Thanks for the chance to win!
My daughter would love this, especially since my MIL made her an apron from the same fabric.
My son would love to have one of these....It would be great to take to the doctor's office or to restaurants.
so cute! i have three little artists who would love this! :)
My 18 month old Eli would LOVE this !
My daughter would love this!!
Oh my goodness that fabric is amazing!! (If you didn't know I have a little obsession about owls. ;) ) My daughter would just LOVE this!! What a day to check my blogs. I'm only sad I've been such a slacker that I had no idea it was Giveaway Day again. Might have to look into it anyway.
I have a little sister that would love this!
Oh that is so cute!! Such fun way you can do with sewing! I know my son would love that!
My daughter would love this! What a cute idea and definitely a life saver when it comes to waiting for dr appts, the waitress to bring our food, you name it...
micaela6955 at msn dot com
My niece would love this! Thanks for a great giveaway!
So cute! I have a several kids on my gift list who would love it =)
I love the idea of the pocket in the middle to STORE the silly drawings. Brillant!
bookwormbaby at hotmail dot com
That is so cute!
karmah (at) comcast (dot) net
That is a great idea! I've seen just crayons, but I love the pocket in the middle for completed art work. That will save my purse from being inundated by little bits of paper. I'm crossing my fingers for this one!
I know a couple little girls who would love this! Thank you for the opportunity to win. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas. -dez
I know my little Squirt would love this! And maybe I would too. :) Merry Christmas!
This would be so fun for my daughter! Thanks for the giveaway.
My Christianna would love to have this coloring kit. What a great idea!
Yes! My niece would love this. Count me in!
I really could have used this last night when I was stuck in a meeting with my two youngest kids. Why didn't I think of that? Cute, Cute, Cute!
very cute! Thanks for a great giveaway.
love the coloring wallet - what a great way to occupy my grandson during church services and car rides.
oh that is so perfect! thanks so much..:)
I have three children who would fight over this. Very pretty.
i know several budding artists. i hope that i win.
This is great! My 2 1/2 year old would love this! Thanks for the giveaway. alusco(at)centurytel(dot)net
LOve it! And so would my budding artist : )
My daughter would love it - she's almost 2 and loves to color :) Thanks for the chance to win :)
This is really cute! I'm just introducing my little one to coloring.
I love this and my kids would too.
i love this! I'm sure my son would love this! I've seen crayon wallets and they are cute but I love that this includes the paper too!
I know several little ones who would enjoy such a fun wallet. Such a great idea for road trips!!
Ah, what a treasure! The owls are just adorable. I have a budding artist in my family who would love this! Thanks for sharing!
my little boy would love that! it is so cute! thanks for doing a giveaway! sales4mp@gmail.com
Love it and I have a little guy who would love it too. :)
I can see giving this one to my littles when I am trying to complete my own projects! Thanks for the chance!
I'm a little artist and so is my 6 year old brother. I know my 21 month old brother will be, too.
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. I am a 9 years old and home educated. I love to sew and craft. I have my own sewing blog. Right now I am making frog pincushions, sock dolls, bean bags and Christmas tree skirts. I am also doing a giveaway on my blog. My blog is www.sewingsister.blogspot.com . I hope you will stop by and look through my blog and tell me if you like it and enter my giveaway. My mom is doing giveaways on her blog as well. She has two blogs, one for sewing and one for art: www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com and www.artisticcreationswithtrudy.blogspot.com
God bless.
sk8ter dot emily at gmail dot com
i know many a little artist...
My 5 year old spend a good portion of her time doodling so she would love something to put her paper and pens in.
So cute!
I love your blog header. Great giveaway!
My kiddos would love it!!
super cute idea!
oooh - I have a budding 3 year old artist. kc@diaperbagwrangler.com
Love the owls!
Ahhh, my little Avery will be just the right age for this in a few months- she'd love it!
Very cute idea. I love your blog- so many neat ideas. I'm making crayons as I type this!
who who would like your darling coloring wallet? Our owlets would!
We send out hootie hoot thanks!
My niece would adore this! I love the owl print.
My little boy would love it! Great giveaway!
Oooo. Owls. I love owls! Crossing my fingers.
That is sooo super cute! My kids would love that! Thanks so much for doing the giveaway!
This is awesome, would love to have it for my daughter! Thanks for the opportunity to enter!
love it! my little one is just learning how to use a crayon properly :)
That would go in my car to keep the grand kids busy when we are out and about.
great for my new niece!!!
so cute! my kiddos would love this!
ps-check out my blog, too. i am giving away a vintage goodie basket!
so perfect for my daughter! happy giveaway day! here's mine http://www.simplymodernmom.com/2009/12/the-gift-box-a-giveaway/
What a darling little wallet. Thank you for the chance to win it.
Cute! This is such a great idea, and I know just the artsy little one to give it to. Thanks for the giveaway!
This would be perfect for my daughter!
My neice would love this wallet! It is adorable! please take a peek at my blog and giveaway http://crissybell.blogspot.com
Great crayon wallet! My son would go crazy for this.
susanfick at gmail.com
SO GREAT! Love these! Thanks for the giveaway! (and for being a part of this... your site has some gems! the scribble pebbles!!) Thanks a bunch! Happy holidays!
what a great idea! and soo cute!! my son would love it too :-)
That is beatuiful and I love the giveaway idea!
Such sweet owl fabric...I know a four year old that would adore this as much as I do! Thanks for sharing. Oh, and I'm definitely visiting your blog again. I love your header and I've got more exploring to do here!
Very cute. I have a bunch of little artists over here who would love it. Thanks for participating in the giveaway.
This is soooooo cute! My daughter would love it! Thank you for the opportunity! BTW, your scribble cookies are adorable too ;-)
My nephews! :) (Does that mean I can't keep it in my purse for me? :) )
Very cute! My kids would adore this!
Thanks for the chance to win!
Very cute my son would love this! Thanks im also becoming a follower. glad i found your site!
this is wonderful!
that fabric is adorable. my son would love it!
My daughter would love this!
My niece would love that! I was planning to make one for her, but I keep putting it off...
Thank you for this wonderful giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity to win.
I am a homeschooling mom of 16 years. I have five children from ages 21 months to 21 years.
I am also having a giveaway; so be sure and stop by my blogs. I have two, one for sewing and one for art. www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com and www.artisticcreationswithtrudy.blogspot.com
My 9 year old daughter is also having a giveaway on her sewing blog. Hers is www.sewingsister.blogspot.com
trudy dot callan at gmail dot com
Too cute!
My daughter, Savannah, would love this.
my little darling would love this wallet. we would have it in the car, at church and office visits. thanks so much for the chance, your fabrics are too cute.
Oh yes, my little nevvie would LOVE this! :)
very cute I love the owls.
I do, indeed, know a little artist who would love this! jinglesells at gmail dot com
Oh, I have been trying to figure out how to make one of these for my little artist! Winning this would be so much easier.
I think my son would LOVE this! And I would love to have an easier way to transport his coloring things to and from church.
this is so super cute! i want one for my son, and one for me! :)
this would be the absolute best dinner saver when we go out to eat at a restaurant with our 16 month old! what a great idea and giveaway!
i really hope i win... i miss quiet dinners ;)
yawkar618 at yahoo dot com
happy holidays!
I have a darling little niece who is constantly coloring- she would be in love with this! Such a great idea!
super cute folio. I have 2 kids and 6 nieces, all of them would love it :)
Cute! I love the owls and my little one would love this! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have an 8 month old boy. I hope he likes to color when he is a bit older. Thanks for the chance to win.
Oh, my sweet little niece would love this. Thanks!
My little girl monkey would love this! So much cooler than crayons in the ratty old box.
My little girls are obsessed with crayons & art -- this would be fabulous!!!
well, i have two little artists that would love one of these!! that owl fabric is so cute!! ;) thanks for the opportunity.
This is awesome...I might get my purse back if I had one of these....thanks for the giveaway!
I know several little girls that would love this.
i have a 4yo and a 2yo who would both love one of these...
I have 4 girls who would love this! (I might have to make 3 more...) Thanks for the giveaway!
That is so sweet! My kiddoes would love it... they seem to draw on EVERYTHING!
Oh this coloring wallet is WONDERFUL! I know two children would love this! Thanks so much for a great idea!
Very cute! Love the owls! Thank you for such a wonderful giveaway!
oh my daughter would love that fabric!
My goddaughter would just love this! It is too cute!
OOh, my son would love this! Thank you for the chance to win :)
I think I'd take up crayon drawing again if I won this it's so cute. Seriously, my kids would be all over this and I'd never get a chance.
Thanks for the giveaway!
my grandchildren would love this wallet...great idea...now to decide which child gets it...freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net
My artist in the making would love this- what a cute idea! Great for passing time in the car! Thanks- lovely items you have! Happy Holidays!
My daughter, the little budding artist, would adore that! Right now, we're carrying her crayons in the side pocket of my purse because I haven't gotten around to making her a little crayon tote!! SUPER CUTE!!!
Oh my, my niece would love that! Heck, I would love that! amyrbrown(at)yahoo(dot)com
My daughter would love this!
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