Thursday, October 25, 2007

october is breast cancer awareness month

here is some information from the nation breast cancer awareness month website. early detection is so important so please read and remember this and pass it on to all your girlfriends!

One of the earliest signs of breast cancer can be an abnormality that shows up on a mammogram before it can be felt. The most common signs of breast cancer are a lump in the breast; abnormal thickening of the breast; or a change in the shape or color of the breast. Finding a lump or change in your breast does not necessarily mean you have breast cancer. Additional changes that may also be signs of breast cancer include:
~Any new, hard lump or thickening in any part of the breast
~Change in breast size or shape
~Dimpling or puckering of the skin
~Swelling, redness or warmth that does not go away
~Pain in one spot that does not vary with your monthly cycle
~Pulling in of the nipple
~Nipple discharge that starts suddenly and appears only in one breast
~An itchy, sore or scaling area on one nipple

visit 5 minutes for mom for your chance to win a pretty pink special-edition casio digital camera to show support for the nation breast cancer foundation.

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