traveling light, anyone? oh, those outfits... fun!
i am currently working on a trade with a friend~ i am knitting little woolies for her new baby boy and in turn she shared some of her grandmother's vintage fabric with me. some denim, striped ticking, paisley, a lovely geometric print...
... and do you see her? over there on the left? be still my heart, it is the cutest holly hobbie print! approximately 2 yards! i don't know yet what i will make with my pretty *new* fabric but for the time being it is sewing mama eye candy! yum!
I LOVE that fabric! Love it! I can't wait to see what adorable thing you do with it. I am still working out how to use the mushrooms. Right now they are, *gasp* pinned on my wall. LOL!
I just gave you the lemonade stand award. :)
aw, so sweet! i think you should make esme' another skirt with the ticking stripe and use one of the holly hobbies as a pocket. that's my vote :)
I LOVED Hollie Hobby when Iwas little...brings back memories. Vintage fabric is fun...and the book was a great find!
GREAT idea liz!! i think that a holly hobbie skirt is a must! :)
val, i love that you have the mushrooms pinned to your wall!! :) i knew you would love them as much as we do! ThAnK YoU for the fun award~ so sweet! i will be by to pick it up and post my nominees soon!
kashoan~ i LoVeD holly hobbie too~ i had a cute little holly flip doll. you know, she was in her bonnet and cute little dress, then you flipped her over and pulled her dress over her head and it turned into a nightgown and she was wearing a nightcap. man, i wish i'd have kept her...
My mom had that sewing book, and I can remember flipping through it when I was little, thanks for reminding me, now to see if she still has it!
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