as tony and i were leaving the bookstore empty handed on
mother's day monday i spied a book on one of the shelves and made a smart aleck-y comment about how i should probably buy it. then this afternoon while i was filling my shopping cart with fabric and books at the thrift store (see my tweet over there in the column on the left) what should i come across? that's right,
the very same book! (see photo above)
secrets of simplicity~ learn to live better with less. it seems the universe is speaking to me and i intend to listen. starting right now i am going to make a serious effort to clear the clutter from my life and live simply and deliberately. it all feels a little de ja vu-ish, as i have had this
thrift store book = life lesson experience before.

unfortunately i did not find this life changing book before my cart was full. here are the other books i picked up today. some for me, a couple for harper and esme' (lilly's purple plastic purse in hardback! hoo-rah!), and a few teen novels for niko. and the fabric- that red and white print will be curtains. then there is a green striped wool sweater that will be felted and re purposed. and pretty linen napkins that are destined to become patchwork eye pillows for gifts. that little mouse print knit was just too cute too pass up. i have no idea what i will sew with it. maybe jammies, or undies, or diapers for my expecting girl friends. whatever i make, no doubt it will be shared right here with all of you!
simply yours,
That is very cool..someone is trying to tell you something. I think you should share little updates and tips on here, because I need to do that to.
you scored some good loot! i haven't seen the secrets of simplicity book before, but i imagine i would enjoy that one. let us know how you like it.
What a score! I love that red and white fabric. I think I will have to check out that book from our library. It looks like a good one! If you haven't seen this one:
This is one that I own and go throguh every year or so. It is SUCH a great and inspirational book.
I can't wait to see what you do with your fabrics. :) The mushroom one is going into a collage with others in pictures frames for Logan's room in the new house... What do you think of that idea?
kashoan~ that is a great idea! i will blog about my progress for sure :)
liz~ i LOVE the book so far! i will bring it along the next time i see you so you can take a peek!
val~ so funny, i actually have the simple living guide and guess where i found it... the thrift store!! i agree, it is a great book!
i love your collage idea! please share pics when you get it done. you are so creative :)
Knits End a good choice;)Hugs Darcy
I love the tote--it's different than all the others I've seen--so creative! And I love that it's made from recycled stuff. Good job!
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