i know the calender says it is october but the weather tells another story, therefore i have been completely un-inspired to do anything autumn related. our nature table has not been updated with all of my favorite decorations that represent my favorite season. my tee shirts have not yet been replaced by fall-weight sweaters. and hats... i really want to start wearing soft, hand knit hats! my inspiration for this space has also been missing lately. hopefully it will return soon, perhaps when the thermostat dips below 80 degrees and i feel on track again... we will see.
in my last post i shared a couple photos that were taken by a new friend, erin, a few weeks ago. if you go peek at her blog and scroll down a bit you can see a few more of our family's photos.
here are some other favorites from that afternoon ::


and, just for fun, a sweet little video of baby luca being entertained by his brother and sister. harper makes a couple appearances as well...
luca was very drooly that afternoon and a few days later we found out why when his very first tooth peeked through his gums. right now he has two tiny teeth. and he is still drooly.
oh, but un-inspired and all i did manage to put up a festive little autumn banner! you like?
I'm still waiting for summer to start! It came so late this year and didn't get as hot as it normally does. But, I feel the same as you - I'm uninspired by this un-autumn like weather. I was happy to see the rain, though. The earth smelled so good.
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