welcome friends! here is what i have to offer you this fine giveaway day ::

first it was the inspired wooly yarn subscription with brand new colorways every month all on wool bases suitable for cloth diaper covers - these yarns are also fabulous for hats, mittens, scarves and other cold weather knits.

for this giveaway i am offering one lucky person a sample month from one of these wonderful yarn subscriptions - either 4 ounces of variegated wool and 2 ounces of a coordinating solid from the inspired wooly club or one luxury skein from the inspired luxe club.
to enter simply leave me a comment letting me know which subscription you would like to sample. and if you feel inclined i would love to hear what features you love or would love to see in a yarn subscription.
comments will close on the evening of friday december 17th and a winner will be chosen at random the following morning.
i will contact the winner via e-mail (so make sure you leave a way to contact you, okay?)
your yarn will be dyed after the giveaway ends and will ship the following week.
this giveaway is open to everyone - i am happy to ship internationally.

good luck and happy day wishes to you!
the comments are now closed - i will be back tomorrow afternoon to announce the lucky winner! yayay!!
1 – 200 of 362 Newer› Newest»oooo I love yarn. Mostly I just love working with it. Makes me feel all warm and cozy. Thanks for the chance to win!
Woo hoo, a yarn giveaway. Love the luxe club. Thanks for such a great giveaway!
I don't knit but I know my mom would love this yarn...surprise me :-)
oh, it's so generous !! Thanks :)
ooh, the yarn looks yummy. I've never tried a yarn subscription, either one looks great.
I love knitting! I'd definitely use up some luxe yarn. :)
niftyfoodie at gmail dot com
I would love to try the inspired wooly club! What a great giveaway!
oooh variegated plus solid sounds good!
ooOoO I love them both! I think I love the wooly yarn more!
Thank you for a wonderful giveaway and happy holidays to you and yours. xox
thanks for such a wonderful giveaway. i cannot have too much yarn in my life. it makes me so happy. i'd love to get my hands on some luxe yarn. nice!
I love both of these - what a great idea! i think the luxury one would be great to make a small scarf or cowl.
The variegated and solid sounds good for me as well.
Thank you for sharing.
I'd love to sample the luxury skein! I just love yarn.
How fun, I've never tried a wool club before. I'd love the variegated + solid since I'm trying out colorwork lately. Thanks!
I would love a luxury skein in the Earth or Neautral. Thanks for the opportunity to win!=)
I'd love to win from the inspired wooly club. Thanks!
Gorgeous...I think I'd have to pick the variegated and solid combo:) I'm hosting a giveaway too, so pop on over if you have some time...
ooh the luxury skein from the inspired luxe club is pretty! and i would re-gift to my husband because he is the knitter in the family!
I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the luxe yarn subscription! I like the other one too, but I have a lot of bigger yarn already. Somehow I always manage to talk myself out of buying the wonderful, expensive, soft yarns. All I want right now is a cashmere cowl, and of course I have nothing appropriate to knit it with!
I love the yarn. It is beautiful. The variegated combo would make something beautiful for the new baby we are expecting.
Wow--such a cool idea! Thanks for the give away.
i'm just starting to knit so anything would be amazing!
I like the wooly! great giveaway!
LUXE club, what a cool giveaway!!! Thanks for the chance!
I'd love the solid and variegated. I'm trying to "get into" knitting and having a great time learning to knit something besides a scarf!
I have a nephew on the way so the wool giveaway would be perfect!!What a great giveaway! Thanks!
mugirl113 at gmail dot com
I'm all about luxury clubs. and yarns :)
A yarn giveaway... heaven! I think I'd choose the luxury yarn, but its a tough choice (I love variegated yarns too!) Thanks!
I would like to try the inspired wooly club for my son. He knits because it helps him physically improve his coordination after his stroke.
The luxe club for me! Great giveaway.
I would love to win the the inspired wooly club subscription. Thanks for the chance!
ap_lemos at yahoo dot com
Hmm, hard choice, but I think I'd go with the Wooly Club. I really like the idea of a variegated with matching solid - what a smart idea!
The Inspired Wooly Yarn Club looks awesome! I like that it comes with the solid trim, sometimes it can be so hard to find just the right color.
Oooohhhh yarn!! I love yarn. So much. I can't tell you how excited I am to find a yarn giveaway, lol!
I'd love to try one luxury skein from the inspired luxe club. It sounds heavenly!
What an awesome giveaway! I'd probably have to go with the wool....since I have SO many uses for it! Thanks!
I have been thinking about joining the monthly yarn club for awhile.... love that its for mamas now, not babies!
Love the luxe club.
I love the idea of a yarn subscription. I would like to try the luxe club if I win. Thanks!
me me me
beautiful yarn
just getting back in to knitting after two babies
A yarn subscription sounds awesome!! I'd love to try the luxe club if I won.
i pick wool, I love variegated!
Such lovely yarn. I'd probably get more use out of the inspired wooly yarn club since most of my knitting is winter orientated..snow gloves and whatnot.
senjosuki at yahoo
Those are beautiful! Such a tough choice, but I think I would love to try some of your Luxe yarn!
Oooh the luxe. Definately.
This is a brilliant! It would give me a great reason to get my knitting back into gear! Thanks!
Oh, I love the luxe club yarns.
What a generous giveaway! I'd love to try the luxe.
vhpark on ravelry
Beautiful! I'm intrigued by the luxe subscription. :)
Oh! I'm new to knitting and would love to get my hands on some good quality yarn from the inspired luxe yarn subscription! Thanks for the opportunity!
Thanks for the great giveaway! Both look great but I think I would pick the inspired wooly yarn club.
The Luxe Subscription sounds divine! Thanks for the chance to win :)
Hmmm I think I would like the variegated and solid wool. That would be fun!
Oh, yum!!! I would love a chance to win some of your gorgeous yarn! So hard to pick which sample though...hmmm... I think the luxury skein because it is a true fact that I rarely craft anything for myself to wear :)
The yarn in the luxe club looks fantastic! Thank you for the chance.
Oh my goodness! The luxe yarn club sounds FANTASTIC! I picture scarves, mittens and slipper socks!
amandassnyder at yahoo dot com
The varigated yarn is beautiful! Thanks for the giveaway!
I'd love to win the wooly subscription... I've been wanting to try knitting a diaper cover.
Um so hard to choose! I guess I'd be a sucker for the inspired luxe club though!
So lovely! I'd love to try the Luxe - I haven't knit any of your yarn yet (despite frequent drooling over it). :) Yay!
I've never knitted with anything very nice before, so definitely the luxe club!
Oh, any of them are just lovely! I love the idea of luxe though.
I love the woolly yarn!
I want the inspired wooly yarn!
knit for your baby would be so nice!!
Thanks for the great giveaway!
I would just love a yarn subscription period. Everything looks delicious! You do such beautiful colorways. I'm feeling selfish and want the luxe. ;)
Love the luxe club.
Thank you for the giveaway
Oh, garsh. This is a fabulous giveaway. Thank you for the chance to win!
I am having such a hard time choosing. I'd love to make some baby soakers or faux fair isle socks from the wool subscription, but I also love luxury yarns in natural fibers. These subscriptions look great--natural fibers make all the difference in lovely knitting.
I can't kelp myself from imagining fantastic surprises from the luxury yarn, too, so I'd be thrilled with it. I've found a new Etsy fave! Thanks!
I don't do a lot with yard but my sister-in-law does and she would just love a Christmas present of yarn!!! (even if it is a little late :) I think I would have to go with the either 4 ounces of variegated wool and 2 ounces of a coordinating solid from the inspired wooly club. Thank you for the chance to win :)
What an amazing giveaway! I would love to try the Luxe club! What I love most about clubs is the surprise aspect and to try fibers that you normally wouldn't!
veregated is great, and Im from Boise, now residing in TExas:)
hope i win! Stay warm!
I'd love to try the luxe yarn, thanks for the chance to win!
Your clubs look yummy Erika! I'd love the Luxe club!
gosh, this is hard to choose. I think I'll pick the first one - inspired wooly yarn sub. I've never been a part of a yarn club, but i guess having two options to pick from would be nice. Hope I win :)
kimberly.mace at gmail dot com
I love yarn and I'm sure I'd be happy with either!
Oh! Sooooo pretty!!!!
I would love the regular yarn (actually I'd love any and all of it! New baby to knit soakers and longies for!!!!)
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
~Jessica, trustingbirthdoula@gmail.com
Oh I'll have to pick the Luxe club! I can just feel the softness now... Great idea for a yarn of the month club!
Oh I love this giveaway and the luxe club!
Yarn? Love love love. Nice to find your blog and etsy store too. Thanks for a useful and fun giveaway...I like the luxe club. hurrayic(at)yahoo(dot)com
The luxury yarn sounds absolutely luxurious!
The variegated wool with coordinating solid
The luxury yarn sounds like a wonderful treat. Thank you for the contest!
I'd love to try the inspired wooly yarn subscription. I'd love to make something for my baby girl!
I think I'd like the inspired wooly club one. Diaper covers, you know. ;)
My fingers itch to knit good wool at this time of year. I woukd love to sample the luxe collection.
Luxe. Awesome. what a fun blog!
The Luxe Club would be my pick. Thanks for this giveaway. avennett AT verizon DOT net
I would love to sample the luxe collection. I admit, I am somewhat of a yarn snob. The time I spend knitting is limited, so when I make something, I like to make it with the best yarn I can.
I have to admit, I have never thought of "subscribing" to a yarn club. I really never knew about them really (scary, huh?). I looked at your Etsy listing and loved what I saw. Added it to my Christmas list even.
Thanks for the giveaway and continued good luck!
Ooooh, I've never knitted with a luxe yarn. I'd love to, though!
I would prefer the inspired luxe yarn. I've never done a yarn subscription before, and I've always wondered what it would be like. Thanks!
I'd LOVE to crochet with those wool skeins! Thanks for the chance to win!
justforthis917 [at] yahoo [dot] com
You've made this knitter very happy to see such a generous yarny giveaway! Thank you! :)
one luxury skein from the inspired luxe club would be awesome!
I'd love to win the 1st subscription. The yarn looks so yummy.
It isn't bad that I sometimes buy yarn just to stroke it is it? You all understand, don't you?
Ohhh! What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to win an inspired luxe yarn subscription. Thanks for the chance to win.
I would LOVE the variegated wool. I just can't get enough of it!! To be honest this is the first I have ever heard of a yarn subscription, I am intrigued (and my husband will be mortified!)
I really love the luxe club. I also liked what I saw on your blog. Have a Merry Christmas and thanks for the great giveaway!
Thank you for the giveaway. I would love to receive the varigated wool if I am a lucky winner. I am a new knitter and would like to sample all the different types of yarns. So this would be great for me. Happy Holidays.
How fun! They both look great, but I think I would pick the luxury one... Thanks for the chance to enter!
How fun! The Luxury sounds fun. Something for me! :) What a nice giveaway.
The wooly yarn subscription sounds fantastic!
what a great idea! i would love to sample the luxe yarn. i never spend money on knitting with nice yarn for myself, so it would be awesome to get some for free.
caseybrich at gmail dot com
wooly club! I'm almost finished with my current project. needing yarn for new inspiration :) this is a fabulous giveaway!
That yarn is absolutely beautiful!! I would love to make some hats for my little ones! I would choose the inspired wooly club yarn!!
Jeni jkr0304@aol.com
I would love a sample from the Luxe club...such beautiful colors! Great giveaway!
What fun! I'd love to play with a sample from the Luxe club.
How beautiful! I'd love to have either but the Luxe Club would be my first choice.
Ooh these are gorgeous! Would love to try out that luxe yarn.
I would LOVE to win the inspired wooly club giveaway! I am wanting to make a few cold weather items for my new baby girl. Thanks!
annamariegross (at) me dot com
Those are lovley! I like the idea of one luxury skein.
mcheaston at gmail dot com
Luxe yarn would be oh so wonderful!
I'm all for the wooly club - how fun would that be!?
I'm actually new to the yarn subscription world - kind of hoping for one as a Christmas gift this year!
Ooh! What a great giveaway!! I love the idea of a subscription suitable for diaper covers, since that was all I made for a long time. But if I won, I'd want the luxury subscription, because my daughter just graduated to undies! Thanks for the chance!
nice giveaway - i would love the luxe yarn
nhsarab at yahoo dot com
I love the idea of some luxury yarn. Thanks for the chance to win.
Fantastic! I hope I win! I think I would pick the Inspired Luxe club. Woohoo!
What a supremely awesome giveaway. Both clubs look great, but I would love to try the luxe one--just made my first item from silk yarn a few months ago and would love another go around :) Thanks so much for hosting.
That's such gorgeous yarn! It's a hard choice, but I think I'd have to choose the luxe- I haven't knit with any cashmere or silk yet!
What luscious colors!!!
I would probably pick from the inspired wooly club. But really, they both sound awesome.
orinoco14 at yahoo dot com
I would like the verigated and solid mix. Thanks for the chance to win!
Definitely variegated and solid for me...make some lovely coordinated stuff for my girls perhaps! Thanks!
Inspired Wooly Yarn subscription, please!
I'm participating in the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day! I hope you have time to stop over and enter my giveaway at homemakerhoney.com
Merry Christmas!
Homemaker Honey
homemakerhoney @gmail .com
Ooo, pretty! I would go with the luxe club too :)
Thanks for the chance!
hugs, margie
I'd love either one, but I'd probably use up the varigated/solid club first. Thanks for doing this!
Oooh, I'd love the wooly club! Such beautiful yarn!
I would like the variegated :)
Wow! What a generous giveaway! I just found out I'm pregnant with my first and I plan on knitting as many cloth diaper covers as I can, so I would love to try the inspired wooly yarn club! Thanks for running this!
I would like the Luxe Yarn. No grandbabies! I've never had a yarn subscription so I don't know what I would like from one.
I would choose the inspired luxe yarn subscription. I'm always making gifts for others so need some beautiful yarn for myself. In terms of what I would like in a subscription ... ideas and or suggested patterns always go down well
awesome yarn giveaway
The variegated wool is so pretty!
oooo . . . what a great giveaway! If I were to win, I'd love to receive yarn from your Luxe Yarn Subscription. I'm a bit of a yarn addict, but 90% of it is wool for diaper covers. I would love to try something a little more extravagant in a project just for me!
Oh my, this is wonderful! Thank you for the chance.
Oh the luxe club looks wonderful :)
mandy dot ueda at gmail dot com
would love to try the luxe club......i love yarns with a bit of extra in them!!
i've never done a yarn club, so no advice there.......
keep up the good work!!
-oonaghfibersmyth on ravelry
The lux giveaway looks great!~
I have no little ones, and know no one using cloth diapers, so while great, the soakers are no use to me at the moment.
This is awesome! I will definitely be sharing your blog with the new mommies I know!
So neat! I just taught myself to knit! I would love the baby one with the wool suitable for diaper covers! Thank you!
Awesome giveaway! But what a tough choice... I would have to choose, the Luxe sample. How nice those must feel!
Thank you,
KJo on Ravelry
i'd love to sample the luxe yarn club!
i'd love to try the luxury yarn!!!!! mmmmmm. thanks so much for the chance to win. the yarn is SUMPTUOUS & gorgeous looking! i hope i am chosen.
The yarn sounds wonderful! I would love to get my hands (and needles) on some of the beautiful yarns... I would love the boy or girl..... either one!
luxury skein please!!
im giving away yarn on my blog too :)
I would be thrilled to sample the verigated and solid Thanks for the great giveaway
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com
Thanks for the chance to win one of those yarn subscriptions! I'd be interested in the inspired luxe yarn subscription.
collienchen@ ravelry
love all of the yarn. would probably choose the luxury one!
I'd love to try some of that variegated wool. I'm hoping Santa will bring me lots of great knitting stuff this year! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the colors in the Inspired Wooly Club so that would be my pick. Anything variegated I love, lots of colors. Thanks.
what a wonderful giveaway! i love the wool one... i find I gravitate towards wool usually... love it!
Thanks for the great opportunity! Love the luxe club! Happy Holidays!
(MissMelissaZ on Ravelry)
They all look wonderful to work with. I think I'd like to try the Luxe. Thanks!
Oh, how neat! I would want the sample from the inspired woolly club, because I'm just getting started, so I haven't quite gotten into all the luxury yarns yet, although I know I eventually will. :) I didn't even know yarn clubs existed! I will definitely have to check them out! Thanks for this!
aNewKnitter on ravelry
Your colors are gorgeous!
I'd love to sample the wool one after seeing all the beautiful colors you create!
I like being able to pick which kind of colors I get, I can see where it would be annoying to get a lot of pink yarn when you have boys lol
I'd love to see you do a roving club in the future because spinning is one of my passions in life!
Keep us the great work :)
jaguarrior on Ravelry
sooo pretty! I reall ylike the yarn - I would totally go for the luxe club!
i would love to sample the INSPIRED LUXE.. the colors are so vivid and beautiful :)
What gorgeous yarn! I would love to sample the Inspired Luxe Club yarn -- it looks wonderful! Thanks so much for participating in giveaway day!
Oooh...hard choice. I think the variegated wool is gorgeous!
Wow, your yarns are gorgeous. It's a hard choice, but I think the variegated. I probably wouldn't knit a soaker - my girl is out of diapers except for nighttime - but I love the idea of making a hat with coordinating ties or trim or something.
I love the idea behind your inspired wholly club.I wish I had known about these ideas when my kids were little.
lotsofhermies on Ravelry
I love the look of the verigated and solid yarn, so I would choose those :)
In case I do win, my Ravelry identity is rainbowscuba.
I would love to try the baby yarn!
I would love to try the baby yarn!
What lovely yarns. I would really enjoy getting to try the luxe.
love the inspired woolly club.
in a yarn subscription i love variation. i know that there is some degree of similarity necessary, but a big difference in color or tone from package to package. i like to be surprised by something new :)
froggy482 at aol dot com
Oh, the luxe yarn is so gorgeous and would knit up into the most daring little shawl...
Gorgeous Yarn! Nice to see some knitting giveaways, too. Thanks!
How pretty! I'd love some of that beautiful luxe yarn.
Thank you for participating in the big giveaway day!
Great idea for a giveaway. I'm digging the luxe club
Such a nice giveaway! I would choose the luxe sampler - so many beautiful yarns!
would like the luxe skein, beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win!
I like the Knit for Yourself.
What lovely yarns! I'd love to get a sample of your luxe yarn, it looks delicious.
zilliahbailey (at) gmail (dot) com
I love your shop! If I won I would pick a sample of INSPIRED LUXE and that only because my youngest is just about out of diapers! Thank you for the chance to win!
They both look yummy. I guess I'd pick the warm wooly sample.
Rav ID: aewsimmons
Love the Inspired Wooly. I'd like to try making some longies!
skklemm at gmail dot com
I think it's great to offer three choices each month and very clever ot allow a preview. It really helps assure that everyone is satisfied. I've shied away these kinds of clubs because of lessons learned when I wouldrder "surprise packages" from mail-order catalogs. The surprises were almost alwasy disappointing. I'd like the Inspired Wooly club prize if I were lucky enough to win. Thanks for the giveaway.
Luxe please! Thank you for this lovely and generous giveaway.
monkalicious on Ravelry
I would love to sample the inspired luxe club!
love the wooly! thanks for the chance
I have never tried a yarn club. Thank you for the opportunity to sample. I'd love to try the inspired luxe version :)
What a fun giveaway. I would be interested in the luxe selection. Either would be nice really.
Thank you Erika. What lovely yarn. I came from sew mama sew and I'm so happy to have found a lovely new yarn even if I don't win. My choice would be the luxe yarn.
Thanks again
FoodBeeEmail at gmail dot com
Oooh, I just love wool yarn. <3
wool wool wool!
Pretty yarn. I'd want the variegated and coordinating solid.
how fun! (and generous!) I cant resist anything varigated!
Hrmm I have plenty of solid yarn in my collection, so I have to say variegated all the way! I love how well it knits into nifty patterns.
I love yarn! How do I choose? Maybe the variegated & trim. No maybe the luxe. Umm, no maybe...maybe a surprise is just as good! (Suppose I have to win first!)
I would have to choose the inspired luxe yarn club (knit for yourself). I do not know any babies to knit for right now.
yes please, yes please, yes please!
thanks for sharing
Squeeaal! Your yarn is my FAV! Please enter me for the variegated club. Your colorways are always so perfect! *fingers and toes crossed*
I have just recently got back into knitting. Your yarns look yummy. I think I would most like to win one luxury skein.
How cool! The luxe option is such a awesome idea.
Hi I'd love to win the first set. I just started crocheting again after many many years away and this would great to add to my "stash" and it would be nice to see what it's like to use this kind of yarn. Thanks so much.
Tina "The Book Lady"
Lovely! I would like to win the luxe set. I'm a new knitter, but long-time yarn admirer :-) This is the first I've heard about yarn subscriptions. Thanks for the chance to win!
OOh how gorgeous! I would definitely go for the luxury skein club since I don't actually get to knit for myself that often. And even if I don't win, I just might sign up anyway.
I'd love to sample the luxe club yarn!
Lovely lovely yarn indeed - I'd love to sample and am bookmarking for future shopping
What a great giveaway! Thanks for hosting this. I want to try the variegated + solid yarn club please.
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