Friday, June 13, 2008

the fun continues...

we all slept in today. like really slept in, each and every one of us, except for daddy who had to get up for work. it felt wonderful! we were outside until 9:30 last night playing. when we came in we popped up a big batch of popcorn in our whirley pop and watched a movie. then the girls slept on their bedroom floor in sleeping bags. i'm telling you this summer thing really suits us.
next week the big kids have day camp~ niko will be going to the discovery center and riley to padded football camp~ so we will have some sort of schedule to live by, but we will manage.

harper's new trick is to put his hands in his face every time mom comes at him with the camera. i am not sure how or why he started associating peek-a-boo with say cheese but it is adorable and frustrating at the same time. i would say a little more adorable than frustrating though!

ha! gotcha!


frugalmom said...

Harper is so adorable! Especially in camo!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

What a sweetie! We were out late last night and slept in, too!
