Tuesday, November 01, 2011

trick or treat {another waddler} and giving thanks.

 our little lion.
all he wanted to do is run around the yard and play but we made him sit for photos.
and there is little red and the big bad {super adorable} wolf again.

he was happy after trick or treating began. here he is after his very first house.

and remember harper's trick or treat waddle? no? you can see it here - it was his first trick or treat in the same little lion costume. we recorded luca's waddle too. turns out he is a lot more clumsy than his big brother was. not to worry, he got steadier on his feet after the first block or so. poor dear...

and lastly, i am joining morgan at mama loves papa in 30 days of giving thanks. i may not blog every single day, we will see, but i will be sure to fill in the gaps on the days that i do post.

day 1 :: giving thanks
  today i am thankful for the amazingly sweet guy i am married to - the one that escorted {often carried} our little lion to each door last night and enjoyed every second of it. he is the very best daddy and husband and i am lucky, lucky to be his girl ♥

welcome november!

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